Many trees have been pruned in my yard recently to get rid of the dead growth and to make room for other trees that weren’t getting enough sun. Within days, the new growth started happening at such a quick pace it was almost shocking!
Spring cleaning. It’s actually a natural time to do it. Spring is ruled by the liver in Chinese Medicine and the liver likes everything moving smoothly. When we have things around us that are cluttered, things around us we don’t like, or places we are avoiding cleaning or cleaning out, energy gets stuck.
It’s important to throw away old papers, replace items that are no longer in good shape. If there’s a room or place you avoid, go in there and make it how you want it. Clean curtains, rugs, give everything a deep clean.
Go through your things to review. Do you still like this piece of furniture, your bedding or dishes? Or do any of these items have old memories that actually make you feel depressed or drag you into the past?
Does a room need new paint, pictures or some brighter colors?
Are you holding onto clothes just in case you lose or gain weight? Does this add pressure to you every morning you go into your closet for clothes?
You may not be conscious of it now, but you may start discovering how each of these things adds a burden to your day. Freshening up your environment will help your body and your mind. You’ll get your energy moving as you clean everything out. You’ll also have more energy as your environment lightens up.Happy Spring to each of you!